Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent questions

We answer the most frequent questions of the market, with simplicity and directness. For more questions, we will be happy to hear from you.

Advertise from €90/month



This varies from ad to ad, but the two most common categories are either alongside the platform's organic material (native ads), or in pre-defined advertising space that has been allocated solely for the purpose of advertising.


It varies according to needs and goals. In most cases, an advertising account and even a digital infrastructure such as Facebook/Instagram Page, Google Business Profile, Website, etc. is sufficient.


Important. The total monthly cost to you when you advertise with Pine Street is the sum of your monthly advertising budget and the administrative costs paid to us. For example:

  • Advertising budget: €90/month
  • Pine Street Administrative Cost: 80€/month

Total advertising cost €170/month

The payments of both the advertising budget and the management by us are credit, they are automatic by credit/debit card and are made at the end of the calendar month.


We install a set of logging tools on your platform that we promote, always respecting the protection of personal data. Your data belongs to you.

A detailed performance report is delivered to your email every month with the numbers you care about.

Do you have additional questions?

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